
Friday, June 19, 2015

Black Floral Shirt

  Here's that shirt I mentioned in the last post!

  It's mostly a basic tee, but I added length and width to the front of the pattern over the belly, and gathered the sides to match the back.

  I also curved the front hem a bit so there would still be plenty of coverage later on.

  The fabric is a jersey rayon spandex that I bought it in this Facebook group a few months ago. It wasn't easy to sew with though! It's very thin and delicate, and my serger just wanted to eat it. I ended up spraying three layers of starch on all of the edges before I was happy with how it sewed! At least it's opaque, and the lightness of the fabric makes it more comfortable to wear in the hot weather we've been getting lately.

  I've also discovered since sewing it that this fabric 'grows' a lot over the course of a day... it's at least 2 inches longer at the end of the day than at the beginning!

  I tried a new method for the neck binding this time, and I'm really happy with how it turned out! I followed this tutorial, but cut my binding 1/2" wider so there would be some on the inside and outside of the shirt- it helped keep the shoulder seam serging from poking out. My stitching is a bit wobbly on this shirt, but I've already sewn more bindings using this method.

  As usual, the sleeves and hem are lettuce edged. =) I'm wearing the skirt I talked about in this post with it, and that's about all there is to say about this one!

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. It's gorgeous! I should get into lettuce edgings again. I used to do a lot of them but now, I'm too lazy to change my serger settings to them.

    1. Thank you!
      I love lettuce edgings. =) For me, it's an easy choice between changing my serger settings or preparing to sew a regular hem with a twin needle on my regular machine. The time input is about the same and I like the lettuce-edging much better for most projects. =)
