
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sewing Disappointments

  Can you believe that it's been almost a month since my last post? I have been sewing... but things just aren't turning out the way I want them to. For example: I spent several days perfecting my skirt sloper and once it was finished, I made a skirt out of it. Unfortunately, I forgot to a-line the skirt, and I just don't look good in straight skirts. On top of that, the fabric I used has a touch of stretch, and the invisible zipper in the side seam was just stiff enough that it poked the fabric out really oddly at the hip. I don't even have any photos of that skirt, because I am so disappointed with it.

 Next I spent a week drafting and fitting my bodice sloper... which still is imperfect, but is much better than my previous attempts, especially the sleeves. I sewed a dress up from the sloper, and once the bodice was half-way finished, I thought I was going to love it. But I don't. I feel like a nun in it.
 And oddly enough, even though the sloper fit beautifully, and the dress bodice looks well in real life, there is some pulling in the photos. The thing I hate is the skirt. It's just bunchy and puffy in all the wrong places, and terribly unflattering. I wanted to put in a circle-skirt, for a 50's look, but I just didn't have enough fabric. As it turns out, pleats in this cheap, stiff, fabric really don't work.

  It's shorter than my dresses usually are, because again, I was going for a 50's look, but it should have been even shorter to look right.

 The collar.... it's okay. I would have preferred it to be a bit taller, and maybe open in the front, but I don't hate it. And at least I know that the length of the sleeves works, though some cuffs would have been nice.

 All in all though, it makes me look a lot shorter and even chunkier than I actually am.

  At least my husband likes it. =) Here's what I'd change, if I were to sew this dress again: Add just a bit more wearing ease, lengthen the bodice a bit, leave the collar front open and make it taller, add cuffs to the sleeves, use either a paneled skirt or a circle skirt, and use a fabric with better drape. At least I learned something, right?

  I don't normally wear heels, but again... 50's. I actually didn't even own any heels, but I wanted some just for photos, so I picked some up at the thrift store. And no, I didn't luck out and find some that perfectly matched the snaps on my dress. They originally looked like this:
  Which is a pretty color but obviously doesn't work with a black-and-seafoam dress. I attacked them with some acrylic paints and they turned out like this:

  It's easy to tell they were painted if you get close, but honestly nobody looks that closely at my feet , and I don't plan to wear these again anyway. I'll probably pass them along to someone who does wear heels.

  The rough thing about all the sewing flops is that I really don't have much time to sew right now, and I really need new clothing. I'm just hoping the next thing I sew comes out better... my sweet mother-in-love gave me some denim as an early birthday present, and I want to make a skirt with it.

  Have any of you ever had a streak of bad luck/judgement/taste when it comes to sewing?

Thanks for stopping by,

PS... I have a Facebook page now! It's if you'd like to check it out.


  1. I think that could really work if it was a bit shorter. BUT I still think it looks good--I recently made a skirt with my sister where we drafted the pattern and fitted it and all that jazz and it was no easy feat (and that was with the two of us!).

    1. Thanks! I guess it isn't bad... it just really wasn't what I was envisioning.
      It was actually a bit easier to do the drafting this time than I expected... at least compared to my previous attempts. This time, I just went for nicely fitting instead of perfectly fitting, and I think that made things a whole lot easier. =)

  2. Okay, I love the shoes. I'm sure that you knew I would. ;)

    1. I was pretty sure you would. If you come visit me you can have them... ;-)

  3. Well, your drafting and sewing are impressive and you are learning by leaps and bounds so this wasn't wasted time. does look like you are a nun in fancy shoes. I am not a fan of all black up so close to anyone's face, either. The neckline would have to be a lot lower or a contrast collar or lace at the top would make it less stark. You are too young and too pretty to look so old and serious, as well. I can't believe that I am saying all this, but even I am not old enough for this dress and I am almost three times your age! Please forgive me for being so bold in my comment. (And, yes, I have disappointed myself many times sewing for myself, especially with my new 'older' body!) Hugs, Karen

    1. Thank you! It's so nice to know that I'm not the only one who feels that way. I think that if I'd embroidered the collar and hemline to match the snaps like I'd originally planned it wouldn't look so severe, and if I'd had enough fabric to do a flowy skirt it would help too. I'm glad I know that I don't like this style now, so I won't waste my meager sewing time on something like this again. =)

  4. Charity, after your comment I had to go look for your "Nun dress". I totally love the fit of this! I think you should re-cut the hem line and make it a high-low hem line with a fluffly sea foam slip underneath. You could also add a peterpan collar and a sleeve cuffs in the seafoam color.
    I hope you don't give up on this dress. I think it has some pretty awesome potential!
    with love-

    1. I'm not sure if I want to spend more time on it, since it's made out of such cheap fabric to begin with, but I do love your ideas! A fluffy sea-foam slip even sounds beautiful by itself. =)
      Thanks for the suggestions! =)
