
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Three-Eighths Circle Skirt

 The week after Beckers was born, my sweet sister-in-law Rabi (nickname) came to stay with us and help out for a while. At some point while she was here, we came across a pretty skirt on Pinterest. As kind of a 'thank-you' for helping us out, I made a similar one for Rabi.

  I intended to make this skirt fuller, like the original, but since I was using a twin sized sheet, there just wasn't enough fabric. I started out trying for 3/4 circle, cut it down to 1/2 circle, and finally ended up with 3/8 circle. Luckily, it turns out that Rabi prefers slightly less full skirts anyway. =)

I added belt loops and a sash, and it closes with an invisible zipper. I also slipped in something else... can you see it peeking from the side seam above? Inseam pockets! This was my first time sewing those... I knew they would be easy, but they were even simpler than I expected.

  Those pockets hide really well... I had to do quite a bit of finagling to get them to show enough for a photo. =) The waistband is stitched down in the ditch... something I am truly terrible at, but that turned out decently with my stitch-in-the-ditch foot. I used a hem facing, and the side seams and pockets are finished with the serger. I discovered that my serger will NOT serge through zipper tape, after sewing the zipper in perfectly, and had to rip it out, serge, then re-sew.
  It turned out a little tight, always a risk when I don't do the measuring myself, but not so tight that it will go unworn. And I am pleased to report that Rabi really likes it. =)

  In the works right now is a skirt sloper for myself... while I've drafted many skirts for myself, I've never sewn one with darts. I'm hoping to get it finished soon, but with so little creative time it's taking a while.

  Thanks for stopping by,


  1. I have to say, you have impressed me again! You saw a skirt on pinterest and made it without a pattern AND it has my personal sewing irritation: a zipper! AND you did it with three little ones to attend to. And it looks wonderful! Bravo!

    1. Thank you! Sewing without patterns is where I started, and in a lot of ways I find it easier than sewing with them, especially in the fitting category. Invisible zippers are all right since I bought a foot just for them, although I'm really not fond of any other kind. I don't put them in most of my clothing because I find them uncomfortable to wear. It did take me a full two weeks to sew this up, with my little sweeties underfoot. =) Again, thank you!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! The tied waist is my favorite part too. =)
