
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Beckers Has Arrived!

  This little one:
  Was born yesterday! She arrived on her due date, early in the morning. I went into labor around 2:30 in the morning, and only 2 hours later she was born, in the car on the way to the hospital.

    She doesn't do things conventionally.  =) But here she is, tiny and adorable! She is beautifully healthy, and sure of what she wants.

  Labor started in hard, no gentle contractions leading up to it, but I waited until just past 3 am, shifting positions to see if the contractions would slow down or soften, before waking my husband.

  Once I was sure they weren't stopping, we called my mother-in-love so she could come watch Booper and Gaiw. Then began an incredibly long hour while she made the long drive from her home to ours. While we waited, Joshua fueled up our car and put our bags in it, and I tried to relax.

  By the time my mother-in-love arrived, the contractions were a bare 2 minutes apart, and very intense, so we left immediately for the hospital... a 50-minute drive from our house. Not 20 minutes into the drive, the contractions started coming right on top of each other, the second beginning before the first ebbed. "My water just broke," I said, before two more contractions piled in. I think I moaned, and Joshua asked if I was okay. "She's coming really fast!" was all I could manage, trying to fight the urge to push, so he asked if he needed to pull over. I squeezed out a 'yes' and by the time he pulled off the road, all of 20 seconds, Beckers' head was halfway out. He called his mother, then an ambulance, and caught Beckers with one hand while directing the ambulance to our location. All of the pain disappeared, and there she was, in my arms, all messy and tiny and perfect.

  It only took 10 minutes for the ambulance to arrive, but it seemed like forever. I wrapped Beckers in the skirt I was wearing to keep her warm, and fed her. The paramedics were impressed by how calm we were. They cut the cord and brought us to the hospital, where everything was checked and was perfectly normal and healthy. We stayed in hospital overnight for monitoring purposes, and were released today... a huge blessing, since I am not fond of being in the hospital.

  Welcome to the world, tiny beautiful Beckers. We love you. =)

PS: Beckers is wearing her Itty Bitty Baby dress. It's a perfect fit. =)



  1. A Big Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby girl. The story of her arrival is so incredible. :) At least she didn't cause mummy too much pain. She is so beautiful too and the dress is just perfect. I personally don't take the birth of a new one lightly. I see it as a miracle. Anything could have gone wrong from the moment she was conceived up until her birth, some babies come out fighting for life. To God be thanks and I pray that she will be blessed all her life. Congrats. :)

    1. Thank you! And I agree, every birth is a miracle. We are so blessed that everything went so smoothly and we are both healthy.

  2. Wow! Amazing story! I am so glad everything was okay in the end and your baby girl is doing great. :)

    1. It really is a fun story to be able to tell. =) Thank you, we are delighted that she is healthy too. =)

  3. Oh my goodness! She is so beautiful! What a birth story! I awed by your calm retelling of Beckers birth. I so admire you! God bless you and all your little beauties. (Boxes mailed.)

    1. Thank you! It was one of those occasions where there is no time to be afraid. God has blessed us already. =)

  4. Congrats! And wow, what a story!

    1. Thank you! Not everyone gets a story like that to tell... I'm thankful that everything went so smoothly. =)

  5. Wow! What a story, I am so excited for you. It sounds like your husband handled it well too. Your right, not every one gets to tell a story like that. Your sweet heart is so precious. Congrats Momma!
    with love,
