
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Two Twirly Skirts

 Have you heard of Skirting The Issue? It's a blog event hosted by Simple Simon and Co in which sewists join together to sew and donate skirts to foster care for girls who may need them. This is the third year of Skirting The Issue, and I've wanted to join in every time... but it hasn't worked out. Until now! I didn't sew much, but even two skirts are better than none.

  These are pretty basic.... full circle skirts with a separate elastic waistband, that are sized to be just longer than knee-length. I top-stitched the interior waistband on this green skirt, and for the yellow-and-white one I stitched-in-the-ditch.... and it actually came out decently! It took me every bit as long as hand-stitching would have, but I need the practice. I knew I wouldn't have time for a regular hem, so I did a rolled serged hem on both. I do like that it keeps the skirts light weight.

  I used fabrics from my stash for both, and although I didn't love the green as yardage, I think it makes a darling skirt... and I love the fabric and contrasting waistband on the other skirt. =) I added simple tags with fabric markers.

  I did sizes on the front, and the back has care information, just like a regular tag. It's a really fun addition.... I want to add tags to everything I make now!

  So there are my two quick, simple skirts... I hope I get a chance to make more next year!

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. These skirts are DARLING!!! I want to steal the yellow one for myself. The girls who get these skirts are going to LOVE them. Thank you so much for sewing along with us. We appreciate it! -liZ

    1. Thank you! I'm so happy I finally had time to sew for this. =) I wouldn't mind a yellow one for myself either... I wish I had enough fabric!

  2. These are really cute! I only got to make one skirt, although I had fabric laid out for more- I just never got around to it. I am totally wishing I had added a tag, though!

    1. Thanks! I had fabric laid out for about 6 more too.... next time, I hope!
      I love the tags! They aren't quite as awesome as a printed, or even better, a woven, tag would be, but I love them all the same. =)
