
Monday, February 10, 2014

Pink Bow Baby Shoes

  My sewing machine is fixed! I finally got to bring it home on Saturday. In addition to the tension being back to normal, my buttonhole foot works now!

  This is the first thing I've made since getting it home... little baby shoes:

  These are the Natty Janes pattern from my friend Delia, but with a bow instead of the cap toe. =) Admittedly, mine are a little less natty and a little more sweet, but I love them just the same.

   I was impressed with the number of tips included! Even if you've never sewn with leather before Delia makes it achievable with plenty of advice.

For once I followed the directions, but next time I would change two things... the sequence of sewing, to see if I can't make that back seam line up a little better (I unpicked them each three times before deciding that enough was enough):

   and I want to see if I can hide the raw edges that are inside the shoes... even though they are felt and leather and aren't going to fray, I don't much like raw edges.

  Do you remember this maternity tee I posted last year? The sister-in-love I gave it to is due with a girl in April, so these are the newborn-sized Natty Janes for her. I have enough leather that I'm planning on making a pair for Beckers too. =)

  The leather unfortunately isn't the best quality, but I was having a very difficult time finding pale pink leather at all, so this is what worked. Most pink leather is bright bubblegum pink.

  I've mentioned before how much I love plastic snaps... I used some white heart-shaped ones on these shoes:

  I found out recently that not all plastic snaps are created equal, however. All the ones I've used have been KAM brand, and bought on Etsy, but my sister-in-love bought some about a month ago that were from Joann's, and they were awful. For every snap successfully installed, 2 or 3 broke into little bits. I definitely do not recommend that brand. =)

 And now to sew up the other 8 projects that I have cut out. I'll probably finish most of those before I allow myself to make another pair of baby shoes. =)

  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Awwww, they look like little ballet slippers!!!! Cute! I've never sewn with leather before. I'm kind of scared to try...

    1. Aren't they darling?! I bet they'd look even more like ballet slippers if I'd used the ankle strap from the pattern instead of the classic strap. =)
      I think sewing with leather is kind of like sewing with knit... it sounds scary, but if you use the right tools it's really not hard. Sabra had some great tips on it here

  2. Sewing on leather! Wow! You have gone way beyond anything I have ever attempted. Bravo! They are super cute, too. I love the little bows,

    1. As long as I followed the tips in the pattern, it really wasn't hard, except for that back seam. =) And I just can't begin to compare these to the amazing hand work you do.
      Thank you! I love the bows too. =)

  3. I love these Charity! The bows are the perfect touch. Lovely! I can't wait to see how you modify the pattern.

    1. Thank you! I think they will be perfect for a dainty little girl with twin toddler brothers. =)
      I really love the pattern. Thank you for putting so much work into it! I'm really looking forward to making several more pairs.
