
Monday, January 20, 2014

Puzzle Ball

  The final installment in the series of gifts that I made for Christmas... a puzzle ball for Gaiw.

  I used this tutorial, and it was great.... with one caveat. Trace a dish that is about 1.5 inches larger than you want your final ball to be, since no seam allowances are added. Here is my version in the bowl I traced from:

  It was a lot of hand-sewing, but I still finished it in one day. I love that it is actually a puzzle:

  Although one of the pieces has disappeared since I took these photos.

  The fabric for this one was from Tia Eva. =)

  I honestly think I like this one better than the daughters do... it's the perfect weight, size, and shape to throw around. I have another (slightly larger) one cut out in primary colors for my young nephews, but I haven't been able to sew it up yet.

  And that is the last of the Christmas gifts for 2013... now to get started on this year's offerings. ;-)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I'm so glad you like the ball, Charity, and thanks for linking back to my site. I tend to sew rather small seam allowances so my balls come out very close to the original bowl size, but thanks for letting everyone know to choose something a little bigger for best results. I'll add that note to the instructions. The way you arranged your fabrics is lovely! Great puzzle ball!

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time to share the instructions. I used a 3/8" seam allowance, but it does add up. =)

  2. I am so hoping that this comment of mine posts to you! The very long comment that I posted on the your last post wouldn't go through. (Insert sad face.) I think this little puzzle ball is delightful and will check out the linked tutorial. In the previous (unposted) comment, I had said that I loved the things you made using the fabric I sent you and that I loved the hats and the little purses. If you turn these into patterns I will be your first customer! Those purses are darling! The photos of your sweet girls always make me smile. I will make this one shorter, hoping it works! Blessings and Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you! Blogger has been having a hard time posting many of my comments as well. =( I've actually started selecting and copying what I write in case it doesn't go through.
      I did share a pattern for the little coin purses here: ... I would be delighted if you made a few. =)
      I wrote a little more about the tutorial I used to make the hats here:
      I have some fun ideas for some of the other fabrics you sent as well... I'm excited about getting a chance to use them. Thank you again for sending them! =)
      Blessings to you too, and a Happy New Year.
