
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Crib Sheets, A Nursing Cover, And An Ironing Board Cover

 Since Beckers hasn't arrived yet (just over a week until the due date!) I managed to get some things sewn that we've been needing.

  First up, crib sheets! We now have 3 beds with crib-sized mattresses, and until a really sweet surprise baby shower on Saturday, only 2 crib sheets. I could have just bought some, but I wanted to sew some, and it was just a tiny bit less expensive this way. Here they are:

  I also received two really cute sheets at that surprise baby shower, so now I don't have to worry about getting laundry done immediately when a sheet gets dirty. =) These were really simple, just 44X68" rectangles, with 8" squares cut out of each of the corners. I serged the sides together where the squares were cut out, serged all the way around each sheet, then folded up a small casing and put elastic in.

  I originally wanted to make them out of flannel, but I couldn't find anything for less than $3 a yard, which would have made for some overly pricey crib sheets. I ended up cutting up twin sized sheets for these. I painted hearts on the brown and dots on the grey with pink fabric paint... those ones are my favorites. =)

  Another need for a soon-to-be-nursing mama: a nursing cover. I have one that I used with Booper and Gaiw, but it is uncomfortably small and the slightest kick led to awkward exposure. My new one is nice and large:

  This was also fairly simple, albeit with quite a lot of hemming. It's just a hemmed rectangle with straps at the top and boning inserted in the top between the straps. Thanks to Tia Eva for the boning! I mitered the corners, a new thing for me, and they came out surprisingly well considering how quickly I put it together. =) I love this fabric... it's another I wish I'd bought more of, since I can no longer find it for sale.

  And the final thing I put together this week was an ironing board cover. My ironing board (a miniature one, I need to get a real one at some point here...) was a hand-me-down, and the white cover was really nasty looking, but Tia Eva gave me some fun sewing-themed fabric with kittens on it, and it was perfect to use as a new cover. I just cut around the old cover, serged all the way around, and threaded some narrow elastic through the serging. I was kind of surprised at how well that worked. =)

  Simple projects all, but very useful. =)

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. I have that blue floral fabric too! Well, I did...I used it for the back of a baby quilt. I loved that one!

    1. Isn't it pretty? It must have made the perfect baby quilt backing. =)

  2. That's way to cool. I love how you just whip up whatever you need, it's pretty epic.- Rabi

    1. Thanks! Although believe me, there are many things that I wish I could just whip up and can't. =)

  3. You are doing such wonderful 'nesting'! Very practical and very attractive. Now....I have made a little something for Baby Beckers, definitely not as practical but I think you will like it. May I send it to you? I'll need your address. Blessings, Karen

    1. Thank you. It's been nice to get some things finished before the little one arrives. =)
      Yes, absolutely! I'm very excited to see what it is, thank you! =)
