
Friday, April 19, 2013

Negroni Shirt- Finished!

  I did it! I finished the shirt for my husband. Here's what it looks like:

  Doesn't look like much for how long I spent working on it, does it? But I assure you that it has a lot of details to it.

  Details which, unfortunately, I could NOT get a decent photo of. I tried 3 separate times. Here is a blurry cuff-and-placket photo though. Please ignore all the lint... that is what happens when I leave something on my sewing table for several weeks. =)

  I loved the placket instructions, but I hated the way the cuffs were sewn on to the shirt... the instructions have you sew one side to the sleeve at 1/4", then edgestitch the other side down...but since you baste that edge down at 3/8" when assembling the cuffs, it's impossible to sew it down neatly, without either pulling the seam of the cuff to the front, or having your former stitching show. I picked them out and sewed them my own way, and I like the results a lot better this way.

 I'm also not fond of the facing. I put so much effort into flat-felled seams and lined back yokes, that it's not really great to have this right at the front:
 It doesn't show unless you lift it, but I still don't like knowing it is there. I think I would have preferred a traditional button placket over a faced one, a regular button-hole at the collar instead of a loop, and a stand collar instead of convertible. Those are really more style preference, but overall I won't be using the pattern again as-is. I may alter it and make another later though, along with some sizing changes... the sleeves are too long for even my long-armed husband, and the waist too slim, although the fit everywhere else is very good.

  I'll see if I can convince Joshua to let me take a photo of him wearing this when he gets home... he hasn't seen it since before I finished the cuffs.

 Edited to add: Despite his dislike of being photographed, Joshua did let me take this one... just because he loves me. =) It would appear that those pounds gained last week were lost this week, and the waist now fits. =) Sleeves are still too long though.
Any grime is due to this being a minute-he-walked-in-the-door photo. =)
   I'm just glad it is finished. I do think it came out well, the pattern just wasn't as amazing as I hoped it would be. =) And amazingly, the buttonholes were much less of a fight than I was expecting, although they are a tiny bit too short and you have to fight to get the buttons through. =)

 And now to sew 3 lace boleros, add to 3 bridesmaids dresses, and come up with a flower girl dress, all of which MUST be finished by mid-June. Think I can do it?

Thanks for stopping by,

PS: Linking up at The Train To Crazy


  1. This shirt looks really nice. It is a really nice fit except the sleeves, which an average person out there won't notice. I have not been "man enough" to sewer shirts for my husband because I'm afraid it won't look like store bought. This looks store bought. Congrats on your coming baby and all the best with the dresses you are about to make. Would love to see them.

    1. Thank you! =) This outcome is from following the directions for the pattern completely, except for the cuffs, so I am really pleased with it in that respect. Considering how perfect the dresses you make for your daughters are, I wouldn't say you have anything to worry about! It can be a little nerve-wracking with so much fabric that can be wasted if you mess up though... next time I'd start with something a little less expensive. =)
      I definitely plan to share the dresses, once they are finished. I just hope I can get it all done in time! =)

  2. I meant sewer shirts, not sewer shirts. Lol.

  3. Sew shirts. My phone keeps auto completing the word. Sorry about that

    1. Auto-complete can be a pain... it's not a problem. =)

  4. Your husband is so handsome and the shirt looks wonderful on him. I am impressed that you have tackled such an ambitious project...and you finished it! I have never sewn a man's shirt! Great job!

    1. Thank you. =) I agree that he is very good looking. =) I was nervous that I really never would finish it, but I've never sewn anything for my husband, while most of his family has something that I've made... that pressure really helped me to get it done. =)

  5. It looks AMAZING!!!! I'm so impressed. This has been on my list forever. Or a year. Anyway, it's on my list. I hope, if I ever get to it, mine turns out half as well!

    1. Thank you! I have no doubt your version will be amazing... after all the great things you've made for your sons, how could it not be? =)
