
Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Signature Look: Incomplete

  So remember how I had almost 3 whole weeks to work on this signature look for Project Run and Play? I didn't think I'd be able to complete all 5 of the items I wanted to make... but I was hoping to finish at least 4.

  How many I actually finished? 1. Yep, just 1. I'm sure you all know everything frustrating that can happen while sewing, or attempting to find the time to sew, so I'm not going to list everything that happened here... but it did. Here's the lone finish:

  To be fair to myself, I came this close to finishing the sweater:
  I know, it looks finished. It's not, the buttons aren't sewn on and there aren't any buttonholes. The sensor for the buttonhole lever on my machine appears to have quit, meaning I can't sew regular buttonholes, and I didn't have time to fight with a satin stitch today.

  In a way, this incompleteness is my Signature look right now... I haven't finished anything in quite a while. Life just hasn't worked with sewing lately. I'm still sad that I didn't get done what I wanted to. However, since I already have all the fabrics, I think that every piece I planned will eventually get done. It may just take a few months, and I'll probably finish some other projects in the middle. I'd love it if you checked back in a while to see the pieces. =)

  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What you did finish looks really great. After five weeks of satisfactory sewing, I also just couldn't get this last look to work how I planned. It began with being unhappy about some dyed fabric. Luckily, another opportunity is around the corner to try again. Don't be too discouraged!

    1. Thank you! Dyed fabric is really difficult to get right... I've never dyed something the color I was hoping for on the first try. And I'm happy there is another opportunity coming up too! =)

  2. The finished pieces look great, =).

  3. Life happens, doesn't it?!?!? And, sometimes priorities have to be shifted.... We're so glad you sewed along this season, and look forward to checking back in with you to see what you are up to in the months ahead! That charcoal sweater looks darling...

    1. It always does... it's amazing how often I don't finish what I hoped to finish, or if I do, how much longer it takes than I expected. I loved sewing along with you this season, even though I didn't finish much. =)
      Thank you for the encouragement! =)

  4. What you did get finished looks fantastic! I've been dying to make a jacket just like that one -- it's lovely!

    1. Thank you! I still adore the fabrics I used, but I wish I'd tried it on my daughter once the sleeves were in, because they are SO poufy once she is wearing it! =)

  5. I love that sweater, the grey mixed with the heart lining is darling!!! It is something I would love to be hanging in baby girl's closet!

    1. Thank you! The heart lining is a thermal knit, sold here:
      It was a little hard to sew with because stretches a lot but has really poor recovery, but I LOVE the print. =)

  6. That sweater is just darling! At least you know that when you do finish, the whole outfit will look stunning! Great work! :D

    1. Thank you! =) And at least my daughter loves each and every thing I make for her. =)

  7. I love this all. I had 2 incomplete weeks this time. I want to have a "What I meant to finish for Project Run and Play but didn't link in party". Do you want to join?

    1. Sounds like fun! I'd love to see all the ideas people had. =)

  8. I love the style of the jacket...sorry about the buttonholes, those are my least favorite part about sewing!! You work so hard on something only to have the buttonholes go wonky..and I hate picking them out!!! Good luck finishing and thanks for all your kind comments on my blog :)

    1. Thank you! Since my machine wouldn't even START to sew a buttonhole, I didn't have to pick any out this time, but I agree: buttonhole picking is only rivaled in unpleasantness by satin-stitched applique or machine embroidery removal. ;-)

  9. What you have finished looks just like what your design sheet shows. I am impressed! You did a great job. Don't be so hard on yourself. Speak kind words to YOU. You are doing something awesome: You are a MOMMMY! That all by itself is a 24/7 demanding job. You are also doing amazing work every second of the day: You and your body are caring for and nurturing the little baby within you. Sending blessings for peace and contentment, health and happiness, and some hugs, too.

    1. Karen, you are so sweet! Thank you for the encouraging words! =)

  10. Your did a great job. Sometimes all we can do is work with what we are given. I can't imagine needing to do a button hole to finish a project and sewing machine boycotting. It happened to me once while sewing cow costumes late into the night for Customer Appreciation Day at Chic-fil-A. What do you do? You just move forward and accept what has been accomplished for the moment being.

    1. Thank you. =) And that's the truth... you can't just keep thinking about what you didn't manage to do forever. Oddly enough, my buttonhole lever sensor began working again just fine the next day for a different project. I guess those sweater buttonholes were just not meant to get finished on the other day. =)

  11. It's adorable even without the buttonholes =) I've taken many a photo of a garment without the buttons on yet =)

    1. Thank you! Although it is definitely hard to model a garment with no proper buttonholes... ;-)
