
Sunday, December 23, 2012

More Christmas Preparations

  I haven't sent my family's gifts off yet.... I got confused and thought Christmas was on Wednesday, and missed the post office closing on Friday by 5 minutes... oops. But at least they are all finished and wrapped, which is light years better than I did last year. Here's a peek of the last few presents:

  Interested in the wrapping? Here's the lineup:

   First up, for one of my sisters:
  This one turned out to be the simplest of all the wrapping... I started off with some white satin ribbon, then tied on an ornament tag, and topped it off with a bow. The bow is made from paper, and I stitched a snowflake design on it with my sewing machine, using an older needle and red thread.

  This one is my favorite by far:
   I made a little double-layer box for this one, taped on some saddle-stitched brown ribbon, tied a sprig of greenery and a sprig of berries together and taped the ends with washi tape, and added a tag made with my sewing machine and packaging paper, along with some faux calligraphy. (I have real calligraphy pens somewhere, I'm just not sure where at the moment.)  I attached the tag and sprigs to the box with some brown embroidery thread.

   I love this one too! I'm afraid it's going to get smashed in shipping, since I only did a single layer box, but it's cute anyway! I taped a strip of washi tape around the box, then tied a polka-dot ribbon in a bow just beneath it. Next I sewed some Christmas-themed buttons onto a little tag and added a different kind of washi tape (which was peeling off in the photo...) and tied the tag to the bow with embroidery thread.

  This one just has a big, beautiful bow, a machine-stitched tag, and a double-layer box. Simple, but elegant.

  I taped grey satin ribbon around this one, with a layer of brown satin on top. Then I wrapped red grosgrain ribbon around in the opposite direction, weaving it under the brown ribbon in the front.  On top of the ribbons, I tied a pine-cone and a sprig of berries with brown embroidery thread, and wrote the name with faux calligraphy.

  This one has washi tape, a machine-embroidered paper 'ribbon', and a salt dough ornament, which is tied on with a strip of thin leather. It's a little more rustic than the others, but I think it fits the personality of it's recipient.

  I made a double-layered box with a separate lid for this one, and tied on some sparkly ric-rac. The tag is white card-stock with washi tape on the ends, tucked underneath the bow. I love the way this box came out.

  I also made some treats for my family, and did some fun packaging on those, but I haven't taken photos just yet. =)

  The last two I've wrapped are actually not from me... they are a gift from my mother to my daughters, and I had the fun of wrapping them.
  The one on the left has gold bias tape, some of the bias tape I made, and some sparkly gold ric-rac. The ric-rac and gold bias tape are from my Grandmother. =) And on the right, I used white satin ribbon and sparkly red ric-rac, along with a machine-stitched tag.

  I'll bet you are wondering where the gifts from me to my daughters and husband are. The truth is, I haven't finished them yet. =( I run into this problem every year! I try to finish the gifts to send, end up spending too long on them, and not having enough time to make the gifts for my favorite people. Maybe I'll go with something simpler than the dresses I originally planned for the daughters.

  So there you have it! Maybe you can get a few ideas from my wrapping, if yours isn't already finished. And since I probably won't post again until after Christmas, Merry Christmas! I hope you have a lovely blessed one, and have some quiet moments to remember the meaning behind it all.

Thanks for stopping by,

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