
Monday, August 6, 2012

What I'm Working On

Now that I finished the outfits for my girls, I have another project that might take a while. I can't actually say what it is for a couple weeks, because it is a gift and the recipient MIGHT read my blog. I can, however, show you what I'm using to make it:
Red and orange knit, a pile of denim, snap tape and embroidery floss! This isn't what I originally had in mind, but after searching 3 stores with two kids for fine-wale grey corduroy that wasn't sun-damaged, and 2 other stores for plain solid-color ________ in the right size, I had to make do. If I ever make something like this again, I think I will invest in snap pliers, because snap tape is much more expensive than I had imagined it would be.

These denim will use these pattern pieces:

  I haven't created the pattern for the knits yet. =)

  I have a deadline for this project, we will see how that goes. So far I've washed all the fabrics and cut out all of the pieces that I needed in the denim (30, to be exact). I was surprised to find that I bought way too much denim. I'm not worried about it though, denim is a fabric that will definitely get used. I really hope I get this done in time!

Thanks for stopping by,

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