
Sunday, November 18, 2018

This Little Guy

This little guy was born over three weeks ago, and I'm just now getting to posting about it!
Davy, shortly after birth

  I had a lot of Braxton Hicks throughout my pregnancy with Davy, and shopping trips always exacerbated them. So, when I did the grocery shopping the day before his initial due date and started having extra contractions, it wasn't a surprise. But later that night, those Braxton Hicks started feeling more intense and regular, and just before 1 am I decided it was time to phone my midwife. At this point I was feeling very grateful that we'd decided on a home birth, and I wouldn't have to worry about getting to the hospital in time!
1 week old

  I woke my husband up (and asked him to wash the dishes that I hadn't had the energy for after shopping) then texted my mother-in-law and mom between contractions. The midwife's assistant arrived at about 1:40 am, and I moved off the bed so she could put some protective padding on it. But before she could finish, another contraction hit, and midway through it I felt like I needed to move to a squatting position.
1 week old

  So I did, and since resisting the urge to push at that point was impossible, I pushed. A few seconds later, and I was gasping, "There's the head!" and reaching down to support the baby. The assistant, Lauren, thought it was my water breaking. She asked me if I wanted to lay down, but I was too focused, and stayed in a squat until his head was fully out, then knelt. One more contraction, and Lauren slipped his cord off from around his neck while I caught him and lifted him to my chest.
1 week old

  Some time later, the other assistant, my mother-in-law, and my midwife arrived. I'm sure it was a little disappointing to have missed out on the birth! But it was such a special experience to catch my own baby, and I absolutely loved having a home birth. (Aside from the 'lovely' stain in the carpet.)
3 weeks old, and wearing his first mama-made outfit!

  Davy was a full 8lb 12 oz at birth- over a pound more than my heaviest daughter! And he was 20" long. And we are very happy he is here. <3
3 weeks old, and wearing his first mama-made outfit!
  I'm hoping to post the details about his fox outfit at some point, but with the way things have been going, it could take a year! So the short version is: Jalie 3133 bodysuit, with an applique of my own design, and modified Flash leggings from Jennuine Design. All of the knits for this outfit were from Girl Charlee.

Thanks for stopping by,